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For GPED is important to share the stories of our patients as well as those of all the people working and helping our cause. GPED thanks everybody making our work possible. We wouldn't be able to do this without your support.
Deborah, in 2018 she will become the first trained pediatric endocrine nurse in Ghana.
From May 2018, British Columbia Children’s Hospital in Vancouver, Canada; will receive Deborah Amakye Ansah, a pediatric nurse from Ghana working at the Pediatric Endocrine Clinic at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) in Kumasi, Ghana.The clinic started in 2012 with only one patient. Currently, there are approximately 600 patients with endocrine disorders with 155 of them having diabetes. Once back Ghana, she will help in education to families of children with diabetes and other endocrine disorders.
Help us raise $3650 CAD to cover her expenses to do this exchange from Ghana to Canada. All donations greater than $20 are eligible for a tax return receipt.
Click here to see Deborah’s full story.

GPED helping Michael, a 9 year old from Zambia
Michael suffers from Type III Osteogenesis Imperfecta, this means he has had multiple fractures in his legs and cannot put any weight on the lower half of his body. There is no cure for Michael’s condition, but we can prevent pain and additional fractures with bisphosphonate therapy, along with other therapies, vitamins and supplements.
Bisphosphonate therapy is given in a short infusion twice a year, however it is not available in Zambia. GPED identified a suitable specialist for Michael in South Africa and provided him with his first biphosphonate treatment on October 31st, 2017. The most immediate, and perhaps the life-changing effect of this medication is the pain relief. In the coming years, we are hoping to make his bones solid so that, after surgical correction, he may one day walk!
Click here to see Michael’s full story.
Meet and support Camille
Camille remembers the constant thirst and urges to urinate, the stinging hunger, and how tired she felt. She was 14 at the time and didn’t understand what was making her sick, or what diabetes even was. The next few months she was in and out of the hospital, and when she was home, faced the judgement and isolation from her family. Luckily she was referred to the Kay Mackenson clinic, where she received the help and support she needed. Now Camille is 17, back in school at the top of her class, and is studying hard towards her goal of becoming a nurse. (On this picture, Camille was participating in the Diabetes Camp organized by Kay Mackenson where she broke her ankle. Thanks to the immediate assistance, she is now full recovered!)
Click here to read Camille’s full story.

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